

“Empowering. ROOTS opened my eyes to problems that I think about and then move past. It created a safe space for me to express my feeling about the issues that I often hide. It encouraged me to make changes with myself and my community.”

— Aneela K., Kent Place School

“Life changing! ROOTS has ensured that I will make a change. I have built a very strong community which I love. I have experienced something indescribable.”

— Yves M., Kent Place School

“AMAZING. This program was a once in a lifetime opportunity that has and will continue to change my life. Because of this, my language has changed.”

— Piney A., Highland Park High School

“RESURRECTION. I feel like a new person. I felt broken and then built back up. I love everyone in my ROOTS community and I am going to come back on staff!”

— Tristan R., Piscataway High School

“POWERFUL. The knowledge I learned is powerful. The people I met are powerful. I became more powerful because of ROOTS!”

— Sylvia S., Memorial High School


“One of the things I carry with me from ROOTS is power of “be you, be true.” For me, this idea has power not only because it pushes me to be more present and brave, and speak from my heart, but also because it pushes me to myself as I also work to change and grow—particularly when it comes to all the ways I hold privilege. ROOTS has helped me to see the challenge of growing as getting even deeply more in touch with myself and with others. ”


What is something you’ve learned from being a part of ROOTS?

“Community helps me remember who I was before the world told me who to be. Community holds me accountable for the ways I may be using my body to perpetuate injustice on other bodies or the planet. Community shows me how to take responsibility for myself and my place in the world.”

“The power of a community, commuted to better themselves and those around them.”

“the importance of not being married to things just because they have been done in the past; to let go and trust the process and people in our community. to always be mindful of the space I’m taking up and when/how/if I should use my voice and my body. ”

“My gut is alive. It is powerful. Sometimes the spaces in between words and thoughts are the spaces that fill me up the most. The unquantifiable parts of life and our work are better left unquantified. That which you cannot fully name, you cannot fully taint. It reminds me to trust the process. Not take myself too seriously and yet be deeply responsible for myself and my impact. It teaches me to love more openly—others and myself. It teaches me to be free in the unknown. And humble too. ”

“ROOTS is like nothing else I’ve participated in. It is a practice of opening your heart and mind to a universal connection to others. ”

“What haven’t I learned? Family, friendships, respect, being opened minded, human connection. I have mostly learned to listen and take away valuable lessons from other’s stories. ”

“The importance of stories, big and small”

“Uncomfortable conversations are the most important conversations.”

“Be in the now- trust the process ”

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